Carl Westin

212 Simulation Briefing Packages C-2-7 Source bias study The effect of two different advisory sources on the acceptance of a decision-aiding system is investigated. The two sources are human and automation. The order of the source condition is varied between participants. Group 1 start with a human adviser, while group 2 starts with automation. Both the human and automation source condition measurement sessions consist of 10 training scenarios and five measurement scenarios. During each session, all resolution advisories are either human or automation generated. The source of resolution advisories are not mixed within the measurement sessions. Before each session, participants are provided with instructions about the source behind the resolution advisories. The human is presented as an air traffic controller. The following instructions are given: Air traffic controller. “All resolution advisories suggested in this session are made by an air traffic controller.” Automation. “All resolution advisories suggested in this session are generated by automation.” C-2-8 Automation transparency study Participants are divided into separate groups. One group starts using the heading band representation. The other group starts using the triangle representation. Both groups interact with both representations. Note that the no-go zones are shown for the current state of the aircraft. It is a presentation updated in real time. That means, that if any aircraft is in transition, e.g., increasing or decreasing speed, or turning left or right, the no-go zone will be updated for every second the simulator is updated. As such, if you execute a command, you have to consider the time it takes to complete the command and how it affects the no-go zone. Heading band representation (baseline). The heading band representation is the standard representation. As you can see, this is the interface that you have used so far. The ring indicates conflict zones and the solution spaces available for the aircraft at the current speed of the aircraft. You can investigate how the conflict zones and solution spaces change by scrolling through various speeds using the mouse scroll wheel. Triangle representation. In the triangle representation, the entire speed enve- lope of the aircraft is visible. The inner diameter represents the lower boundary of the speed envelope. The outer diameter represents the upper boundary of the speed