Carl Westin

250 Acknowledgements To Max Mulder, my supervisor: I’m forever indebted to you for taking a chance and entrusting me with a PhD. I remember the walk and discussion we had in a Lon- don park after the MUFASA kickoff in April 2011 as the very start of my doctoral journey with Delft. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pursue my PhD, and for providing the intellectual and material resources and colleagues needed to achieve it. In the words of the famous chef: “hurdue durdu bork bork bork” To Clark Borst, my co-supervisor: While this marks the end of an incredibly rewarding, fun, and successful collaboration between us, the three stooges (you, Brian, myself), it opens up new possibilities for future endeavors. I am extremely, almost inappropriately, thankful for the invaluable guidance and enlightenment you have afforded me over the years. It will be arduous to journey further without our regular discussions, your constructive critique and feedback, your motivational praise, and your self-sacrificing support. Although I hope we never again have to endure an all-nighter to make a journal deadline! To Brian Hilburn, my mentor and eternal cheerleader: My guess would be that you, somehow, foresaw this many years ago, maybe even at around the time we first got to work together. I owe a great part of this accomplishment to the motivation, enthusiasm, and encouragement that you have invested in my academic and research career. I remember clearly how enthusiastic I was when we first met in Ljungbyhed over ten years ago. I was provided an opportunity to work with this really cool and recognized human factors researcher. Little did I know that you would become a lifelong mentor that not only inspired me to start pursuing a PhD, but also saw me through it. On that same note, thank you Jessica and Cassidy for the encouraging support and for welcoming me to the family with open arms. Another dear friend who bears great responsibility for inspiring my academic endeavors is Roel van Winsen. Thank you Roel for engaging in endless scien- tific and philosophical debates (from utterly nonsense to some promising ideas) and teaching me how to think critically and ask good questions. A huge thanks to all air traffic controllers and coordinators at Shannon (IAA), Ireland, and Norrk¨oping and Arlanda (LFV), Sweden for facilitating and participat- ing in numerous time-consuming experiments and simulations. This thesis would not have been possible without you contribution. Thank you Dirk Schaefer for your sincere interest and support of the MUFASA project. To my dear love Johanna Andersson and my family: Thank you for all the heartwarming support over the years. Especially you, Johanna, can attest to the roller-coaster spectrum of deep lows and high highs that this PhD journey has been. Thank you for keeping me grounded and dragging me back up to the surface when I have gotten myself submerged in PhD work. I apologize for my periodically unfair manners and seemingly unexpected and bizarre behaviors over the years. I love you.