Carl Westin

1-7 Thesis outline 13 described and measured by strategic conformance. The theoretical foundation for strategic conformance is derived through a broad review of technology and automa- tion acceptance research in aviation but also other sociotechnical systems. Taken to- gether, the chapter provides a starting point for investigating strategic conformance empirically. Chapter 3: First empirical insights. Chapter 3 details the first empirical in- sights from an exploratory study of strategic conformance. The theoretical under- pinnings, outlined in the previous chapter, are extended in a functional model of con- trollers’ automation acceptance. The novel experimental approach for investigating strategic conformance effects is detailed, building on a three-phased approach that replays controller’s own performance (see Figure 1-2). The chapter presents results from the associated real-time simulation with active controllers from Shannon Area Control Center (ACC) in Ireland. In addition to strategic conformance, the simula- tion explored the effects of traffic complexity and decision aid LOA on controllers’ acceptance of automated conflict resolution advisories. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Factors affecting acceptance Thesis introduction Strategic conformance: A literature survey First empirical insights Source bias effects Automation transparency effects Consistency and agreement in conflict resolution Discussion and recommendations Conclusion F IGURE 1-3: Thesis outline