Carl Westin

32 Strategic Conformance: A Literature Survey Protected Zone Aircraft A Aircraft B (a) Put A behind B (b) Put B behind A (c) Put B in front of A (d) Dual heading change F IGURE 2-3: Conflict solution alternatives to a right angle conflict. depending on the decision criteria selected, how these are weighed and combined. Typically, algorithms have cost functions driven by optimality goals considering several parameters, such as minimum patch deviation and minimum fuel burn. Even if controllers would consider the same or similar criteria, the relative importance and combination of them may differ from the algorithms, leading to a mismatch in underlying goals. Literature suggests that controllers’ cost functions are driven by goals such as minimizing workload and finding solutions that afford least effort, yet are efficient and robust. With automation assuming more human-like cost functions, human and automation problem-solving styles would converge. In addition to the four vector solutions illustrated in Figure 2-3, there are sev- eral more alternatives including speed and level changes. In reality, characteristics of the aircraft involved contain more variability than the conflict situation depicted in Figure 2-3. Environmental and sector characteristics, together with adjacent traf- fic, however, can complicate the options available and narrow down the range of “good” solutions. Still, it is likely that each conflict will have more than one fea- sible solution available. But even if there would be not doubt in which solution to apply, there is always an option of when to implement it.