Carl Westin

3-3 Method 49 Two levels of strategic conformance ( cfY = conformal and cfN = nonconformal, alternatively high and low) were defined. Since conformance is not a binary mea- sure, we varied it in terms of closeness of fit between three dimensions: aircraft choice; clearance type (e.g., heading change only); and clearance direction (e.g., heading change to the left). A nonconformal solution featured a different aircraft choice and/or clearance type and direction. Again, nonconformal solutions were always derived from solutions provided by other participants. Figure 3-4 sketches the procedure we used to create conformal and nonconfor- mal solutions for Scenario 1. As described earlier, for each of four baseline sce- narios we created a total of four variant scenarios (for Scenario 1 labeled here lA through lD). During the prequel (manual) simulation, the two hypothetical partic- ipants of Figure 3-4 chose different solutions in two of the four scenarios (lA and lD). In conformal scenarios (lA and lC in the experimental simulation), solutions matched between the prequel and experimental phases for a given participant. That is, conformal scenarios meant that a given participant’s respective prequel solution was replayed for him in the experimental simulation. For nonconformal scenarios (lB and lD in the experimental simulation) the solutions were not matched. In this case, the solution was based on a colleague’s solution in the prequel simulation. Participants were not matched in pairs, and nonconformal solutions could therefore be drawn from any colleague, provided that the solution was workable. Finally, order of LOA, traffic complexity, and solution conformance was bal- anced between participants and traffic scenarios using a Latin Square design. q Aircraft B heading right Aircraft B heading right Aircraft B heading right Aircraft B heading right Aircraft B heading right Aircraft B heading right Aircraft B heading right Aircraft A speed decrease Aircraft A speed decrease Aircraft A speed decrease Aircraft A heading right Aircraft A heading right Aircraft A heading right Aircraft B heading left Aircraft B heading left Aircraft B heading left Prequel simulation (manual) Experiment simulation (automated) Participant 1 Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 2 1A 1B 1C 1D cfN cfN cfN cfN cfY cfY cfY cfY Scenario 1 (CX high) F IGURE 3-4: Example of how conformal and nonconformal solutions were created for Scenario 1.