Carl Westin

3-4 Results 51 TWIN AKON MEMS HOOKS LANG DAMS GYRO RIVET CONFLICT! Advisory Accept Reject 15 Time: Score: Run: 00:01:39 75.94% 1 / 3 ZM9694 230 290 AKON NA9895 200 290 AKON NM3867 230 290 TWIN XS9161 230 290 AKON NG8781 220 290 TWIN SG3047 220 290 RIVET YY7466 210 290 TWIN RA4743 220 290 RIVET MA1538 230 290 TWIN OS2071 200 290 AKON AE1870 220 290 AKON PG4344 200 290 AKON F IGURE 3-5: The simulator interface showing the SSD for ZM9694 with a resolution advisory suggesting that the controller should solve the conflict by a slight left turn and increase in speed. The advisory dialog window in the upper right corner allows the controller to either accept or reject the advisory. The remaining time and performance score for the current run is shown in the upper left corner. advisory. In the initial prequel (manual) simulation, this conflict dialogue window was, of course, not present. Accepting the advisory would immediately implement it, whereas rejecting it would extinguish the displayed solution and leave the con- troller free to implement an alternative solution. There was a fifteen second timeout on the solution. After each scenario, participants were given feedback in terms of an average performance score. Second, they were asked to rate their agreement with the auto- mated resolution advisory and the subjective difficulty of the scenario. 3-4 Results 3-4-1 Acceptance of advisories Overall, controllers accepted 337 of 512, or 65.8%, of all advisories. The barcharts in Figure 3-6 show how acceptance varied by complexity and conformance. Par-