Nanke Dokter

Bibliografie 229 Dokter, N., R. Aarts, J. Kurvers, A. Ros & S. Kroon (2017b). Academic language in elementary school mathematics: Academicness of teacher input during whole class instruction. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics , 6 (2), 213-230. Driel, J.H. van, D. Beijaard & N. Verloop (2001). Professional development and reform in science education: The role of teachers’ practice and knowledge. Journal of Research in Science Teaching , 38 (2), 137-158. Drysdale, J.S., C.R. Graham, K.J. Spring & L.R. Halverson (2013). An analysis of research trends in dissertations and theses studying blended learning. Internet and Higher Education , 17, 90-100. Ebbens, S. & S. Ettekoven (2005). Effectief leren . Groningen/Houten: Wolters Noordhoff. Eerde, D. van, M. Hajer, T. Koole & J. Prenger (2002). Betekenisconstructie in de wiskundeles. De samenhang tussen interactief wiskunde- en taalonderwijs. Pedagogiek , 22 (2), 134-147. Eerde, H. van (2009). Rekenen-wiskunde en taal: een didactisch duo. Panama-post , 28 (3), 19-32. Elbers, E. (2012). Iedere les een taalles? Taalvaardigheid en vakonderwijs in het (v)mbo. De stand van zaken in theorie en onderzoek. Utrecht/Den Haag: Universiteit Utrecht en PROO. Enyedy, N., L. Rubel, V. Castellón, S. Mukhopadhyay, I. Esmonde & W. Sedaca (2008). Revoicing in a multilingual classroom. Mathematical Thinking and Learning , 10 (2), 134-162. Farr, R. & J. Conner (2004). Using think-alouds to improve reading comprehension . Ontleend aan reading-comprehension Fishbein, M. & I. Ajzen (2010). Predicting and changing behavior: The reasoned action approach . New York: Psychology Press. Garet, M., A. Porter, L. Desimone, B. Birman & K. Sun Yoon (2001). What makes professional development effective? Results from a national sample of teachers. American Educational Research Journal , 38 (4), 915-945. Ganesaligam, M. (2013). The language of mathematics: A linguistic and philosophical Investigation . Berlijn Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Gennip, H. van & G. Vrieze (2008). Wat is de ideale leraar? Studie naar vakkennis, interventie en persoon . Nijmegen: ITS. Gerritsen, S., E. Plug & D. Webbink (2017). Teacher quality and student achievement: Evidence from a sample of Dutch twins. Journal of Applied Econometrics , 32 (3), 643- 660. Gess-Newsome, J. & J. Carlson (2013). A report on the PCK summit: Current and future research directions. In Symposium at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) . Puerto Rico. Gibbons, P. (2002). Scaffolding language, scaffolding learning. Teaching second language learners in the mainstream classroom . Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Gibbons, P. (2009). English learners, academic literacy, and thinking. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Bi