Nanke Dokter

Summary 259 that contain the complexity of AL were used less. Students are supposed to learn all features of AL, including the complex ones. If teachers do not use the complex key features, they disable their students to learn these features. A question future research might answer is what prevents teachers from using the complex AL features. AL and mathematics Language is important during mathematics instruction but what exactly is the definition of mathematical language? Some scholars think mathematical language is a separate language register that is different from the general AL register. The definition in this research however, integrates the mathematical lexicon in the AL register. The question is whether this is also possible in other subjects, such as history. More research is necessary to answer this question. Stimulating AL In this research, teachers aimed at contributing to students’ AL understanding and in doing so they had the tendency to simplify their own used AL, showing mostly power down strategies. Although teachers aimed at understanding, all teachers also used strategies aiming at their students’ AL production, especially during the instructional method discussion . Teachers did pay attention to students’ AL production, but the differences between teachers are considerable. This research focused on teacher behavior; future research should make clear whether the students that had better opportunities to produce AL, also used more AL features. This requires qualitative research. In this research, teachers used power down strategies the most. When using the instructional method discussion , teachers used power up strategies significantly more often. This means that the AL stimulating opportunities teachers get by choosing certain instructional methods, also determine the kind of AL stimulating strategies they use. The question is whether teachers are aware of the didactic principles of using power down and power up strategies and, if so, whether this increases the use of power up strategies. Further research is necessary to answer the question why teachers simplify language instead of improving it. The effect of the separate strategies when stimulating students’ AL development is also not clear. In this research the AL development of the students was not investigated. Future research on this topic is recommended. Training in AL stimulating behavior The integrative model of professional growth of teachers was used to investigate the effectiveness of the training developed for student teachers. This research showed that the model can also be used to analyze the learning process of student teachers. The analysis showed a smaller effect of the training than was expected. Only a few student teachers did the assignments as intended. In the evaluation they indicated that the Su