Nanke Dokter

15 Coosje van der Pol. Prentenboeken lezen als literatuur . Een structuralistische benadering van het concept ‘literaire competentie’ voor kleuters . Supervisor: Helma van Lierop, 17 December 2010. 16 Nadia Eversteijn-Kluijtmans. “All at once” – Language choice and codeswitching by Turkish- Dutch teenagers . Supervisors: Guus Extra and Ad Backus, 14 January 2011. 17 Mohammadi Laghzaoui. Emergent academic language at home and at school: A longitudinal study of 3- to 6-year-old Moroccan Berber children in the Netherlands . Supervisors: Sjaak Kroon, Ton Vallen, Abderrahman El Aissati and Jeanne Kurvers, 9 September 2011. 18 Sinan Çankaya. Buiten veiliger dan binnen. In- en uitsluiting van etnische minderheden binnen de politieorganisatie . Supervisors: Ruben Gowricharn and Frank Bovenkerk, 24 October 2011. 19 Femke Nijland. Mirroring interaction: An exploratory study into student interaction in independent working . Supervisors: Sjaak Kroon, Sanneke Bolhuis, Piet-Hein van de Ven and Olav Severijnen, 20 December 2011. 20 Youssef Boutachekourt. Exploring cultural diversity. Concurrentievoordelen uit multiculturele strategieën . Supervisors: Ruben Gowricharn and Slawek Magala, 14 March 2012. 21 Jef Van der Aa. Ethnographic monitoring: Language, narrative and voice in a Carribbean classroom . Supervisors: Jan Blommaert and Sjaak Kroon, 8 June 2012. 22 Özel Ba ğ cı. Acculturation orientations of Turkish immigrants in Germany . Supervisors: Guus Extra and Kutlay Ya ğ mur, 3 October 2012. 23 Arnold Pannenborg. Big men playing football: Money, politics and foul play in the African game . Supervisor: Wouter van Beek, 12 October 2012. 24 Ico Maly, N-VA. Analyse van een politieke ideologie . Supervisors: Jan Blommaert and Sjaak Kroon, 23 October 2012. 25 Daniela Stoica. Dutch and Romanian muslim women converts: Inward and outward transformations, new knowledge perspectives and community rooted narratives . Supervisors: Enikö Vincze and Jan Jaap de Ruiter, 30 October 2012. 26 Mary Scott. A chronicle of learning: Voicing the text . Supervisors: Jan Blommaert, Sjaak Kroon and Jef Van der Aa, 27 May 2013. 27 Stasja Koot. Dwelling in tourism: Power and myth amongst Bushmen in Southern Africa . Supervisor: Wouter van Beek, 23 October 2013. 28 Miranda Vroon-van Vugt. Dead man walking in Endor: Narrative mental spaces and conceptual blending in 1 Samuel 28 . Supervisor: Ellen van Wolde, 19 December 2013. 29 Sarali Gintsburg. Formulaicity in Jbala poetry . Supervisors: Ad Backus, Sjaak Kroon and Jan Jaap de Ruiter, 11 February 2014. 30 Pascal Touoyem. Dynamiques de l’ethnicité en Afrique. Éléments pour une théorie de l’État multinational . Supervisors: Wouter van Beek and Wim van Binsbergen, 18 February 2014. 31 Behrooz Moradi Kakesh. Het islamitisch fundamentalisme als tegenbeweging. Iran als case study . Supervisors: Herman Beck and Wouter van Beek, 6 June 2014. 32 Elina Westinen. The discursive construction of authenticity: Resources, scales and polycentricity in Finnish hip hop culture . Supervisors: Sirpa Leppänen and Jan Blommaert, 15 June 2014.