Nanke Dokter

33 Alice Leri. Who is Turkish American? Investigating contemporary discourses on Turkish Americanness . Supervisors: Odile Heynders and Piia Varis, 9 September 2014. 34 Jaswina Elahi . Etnische websites, behoeften en netwerken. Over het gebruik van internet door jongeren . Supervisors: Ruben Gowricharn and Sjaak Kroon, 10 September 2014. 35 Bert Danckaert. Simple present . Supervisors: Jan Blommaert and Odile Heynders, 29 October 2014. 36 Fie Velghe. ‘This is almost like writing’: Mobile phones, learning and literacy in a South African township . Supervisors: Jan Blommaert, Sjaak Kroon and Piia Varis, 3 December 2014. 37 Nico de Vos. Lichamelijke verbondenheid in beweging. Een filosofisch onderzoek naar intercorporaliteit in de hedendaagse danskunst . Supervisors: Odile Heynders and Frans van Peperstraten, 16 December 2014. 38 Danielle Boon. Adult literacy education in a multilingual context: Teaching, learning and using written language in Timor-Leste . Supervisors: Sjaak Kroon and Jeanne Kurvers, 17 December 2014. 39 Liesbeth Hoeven. Een boek om in te wonen. De verhaalcultuur na Auschwitz . Supervisors: Erik Borgman and Maaike de Haardt, 21 January 2015. 40 Laurie Faro. Postponed monuments in the Netherlands: Manifestation, context, and meaning . Supervisors: Paul Post and Rien van Uden, 28 January 2015. 41 Snezana Stupar. Immigrants regulate emotions in the same way as majority members in the Netherlands . Supervisors: Fons van de Vijver and Johnny Fontaine, 30 January 2015. 42 Jia He. The general response style from a cross-cultural perspective . Supervisors: Fons van de Vijver and Alejandra del Carmen Dominguez Espinosa, 4 February 2015. 43 Dorina Veldhuis. Effects of literacy, typology and frequency on children’s language segmentation and processing units . Supervisors: Ad Backus, Jeanne Kurvers and Anne Vermeer, 1 April 2015. 44 Harrie Leijten. From idol to art. African objects-with-power: A challenge for missionaries, anthropologists and museum curators . Supervisors: Wouter van Beek and Paul Post, 15 April 2015. 45 Pelin Onar Valk. Transformation in Dutch Turkish subordination? Converging evidence of change regarding finiteness and word order in complex clauses . Supervisors: Ad Backus, Kutlay Ya ğ mur and Massimiliano Spotti, 27 May 2015. 46 Paul Mutsaers. A public anthropology of policing: Law enforcement and migrants in the Netherlands . Supervisors: Arie de Ruijter and Jan Blommaert, 12 June 2015. 47 Geertjan de Vugt. The polit-dandy: On the emergence of a political paradigm . Supervisors: Odile Heynders and Sander Bax, 23 June 2015. 48 Amit B. Bhansali. Samkit: Faith ‒ practice ‒ liberation . Supervisors: John Rijsman and Tineke Nugteren, 1 September 2015. 49 Neema Clementia Murembe. Women’s empowerment and decision-making at the household level: A case study of Ankore families in Uganda . Supervisors: Sjaak Kroon, Veerle Draulans and Jef Van der Aa, 6 October 2015. 50 Sunarwoto. Contesting religious authority: A case study on Dakwah radio in Surakarta, Indonesia . Supervisors: Herman Beck and Jan Blommaert, 10 November 2015.