Nanke Dokter

51 Bryan Monte. Tiny Zion: Harvest Hills, an intentional Zionic community . Supervisors: Wouter van Beek and Paul Post, 2 December 2015. 52 Filiz Künüro ğ lu. Turkish return migration from Western Europe: Going home from home . Supervisors: Kutlay Ya ğ mur, Fons van de Vijver and Sjaak Kroon, 10 December 2015. 53 Inez Schippers. Sacred places in the suburbs: Casual sacrality in the Dutch Vinex-district Leidsche Rijn . Supervisors: Paul Post and Maaike de Haardt, 14 December 2015. 54 Edegar da Conceição Savio. Studi sosiolinguistik bahasa Fataluku di Lautém . Supervisors: Kees van Dijk, Sjaak Kroon and Aone van Engelenhoven, 28 January 2016. 55 Pius Maija Mosima. Philosophic sagacity and intercultural philosophy: Beyond Henry Odera Oruka . Supervisors: Wim van Binsbergen and Wouter van Beek, 16 February 2016. 56 Pia Zeinoun. Personality and culture in the Arab-levant . Supervisors: Fons van de Vijver and Lina Daouk-Oÿry, 19 February 2016. 57 Primrose Nakazibwe. ‘A home without millet is not a home’: Women’s agency in the maize and millet commodity chains in Mbarara District, Uganda . Supervisors: Mirjam van Reisen and Francien van Driel, 18 April 2016. 58 Jinling Li. Chineseness as a moving target: Changing infrastructures of the Chinese diaspora in the Netherlands . Supervisors: Jan Blommaert, Sjaak Kroon and Kasper Juffermans, 12 September 2016. 59 Lieke Wijnia. Making sense through music: Perceptions of the sacred at Festival Musica Sacra Maastricht . Supervisors: Paul Post and Martin Hoondert, 12 September 2016. 60 Caixia Du. The birth of social class online: The Chinese precariat on the Internet . Supervisors: Jan Blommaert, Sjaak Kroon and Piia Varis, 12 September 2016. 61 Martijn de Ruijter. Confining frailty: Making place for ritual in rest and nursing homes . Supervisors: Paul Post and Wouter van Beek, 16 November 2016. 62 Maria van der Aalsvoort. Vensters op vakontwikkeling. De betwiste invoering van taalkunde in het examenprogramma Nederlands havo/vwo (1988-2008) . Supervisors: Sjaak Kroon and Piet- Hein van de Ven, 14 December 2016. 63 Yevgen Matusevych. Learning constructions from bilingual exposure: Computational studies of argument structure acquisition . Supervisors: Ad Backus and Afra Alishahi, 19 December 2016. 64 Tom van Nuenen. Scripted journeys: A study on interfaced travel writing . Supervisors: Odile Heynders, Ruud Welten and Piia Varis, 21 December 2016. 65 Leonie van der Valk. Steun zoeken bij Allah. Religiositeit, bidden en religieuze coping van Nederlandse, hoogopgeleide moslima’s van Marokkaanse afkomst . Supervisors: Rien van Uden and Jos Pieper, 21 December 2016. 66 Sandra Wagemakers. Brabant is here: Making sense of regional identification . Supervisors: Jos Swanenberg and Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, 9 June 2017. 67 Tekalign Nega Angore. Reconstructing Ethiopia’s collective memory by rewriting its history: The politics of Islam . Supervisors: Herman Beck and Jenny-Louise Van der Aa, 4 December 2017. 68 Maksimus Regus. Understanding human rights culture in Indonesia: A case study of the Ahmadiyya Minority Group . Supervisors: Herman Beck and Mirjam van Reisen, 18 December 2017.