Nanke Dokter

69 Derya Demirçay. Connected languages: Effects of intensifying contact between Turkish and Dutch . Supervisors: Ad Backus and Jan Blommaert, 21 December 2017. 70 Xuan Wang. Online and offline margins in China: Globalization, language and identity . Supervisors: Sjaak Kroon and Ad Backus, 22 December 2017. 71 Merijn Oudenampsen. The conservative embrace of progressive values: On the intellectual origins of the swing to the right in Dutch politics . Supervisors: Odile Heynders and Piia Varis, 12 January 2018. 72 Kunming Li. Capitalization of feminine beauty on Chinese social media . Supervisors: Jan Blommaert, Sjaak Kroon and Massimiliano Spotti, 7 March 2018. 73 Youssef Azghari. Participation of young Moroccan-Dutch and the role of social workers . Supervisors: Fons van de Vijver and Erna Hooghiemstra, 11 April 2018. 74 Mingyi Hou. Social media celebrity: An investigation into the latest metamorphosis of fame . Supervisors: Jan Blommaert, Sjaak Kroon and Piia Varis, 23 May 2018. 75 Hua Nie. Memes, communities and continuous change: Chinese internet vernacular explained . Supervisors: Jan Blommaert, Ad Backus and Piia Varis, 18 June 2018. 76 Suzanne van der Beek. New pilgrim stories: Narratives – identities – authenticity . Supervisors: Paul Post and Jan Blommaert, 18 June 2018. 77 Claudia Carvalho. Women who run with the wolves: Online stories and roles of Spanish- speaking jihadist women . Supervisors: Herman Beck and Wouter van Beek, 19 June 2018. 78 Anthony Ong’ayo. Diaspora organisations, transnational practices and development: Ghanaians in the Netherlands . Supervisors: Mirjam van Reisen and M. Mawere, 6 February 2019. 79 Esin Aksay Aksezer. Turkish outbound exchange students’ intercultural competencies at different stages of the international sojourn . Supervisors: Fons van de Vijver and Kutlay Ya ğ mur, 27 February 2019. 80 Jan Verhagen. Psychiatry and religion: Controversies and consensus . Supervisors: Rien van Uden and G. Glas, 17 April 2019. 81 Gözde Demirel. The relationship between acculturation and language development of Turkish immigrant children . Supervisors: Kutlay Ya ğ mur and Fons van de Vijver, 3 May 2019. 82 Leon Jackson. Diversity management in the new South Africa: An acculturation approach . Supervisors: Fons van de Vijver † and Kutlay Ya ğ mur, 19 June 2019. 83 Gerrie Strik. Een plantaardig ademen. Nieuw materialisme in het vroege werk van Hella S. Haasse . Supervisors: Odile Heynders and Sander Bax, 26 June 2019. 84 İ rem Bezcio ğ lu-Göktolga. Family language policy among second-generation Turkish families in the Netherlands. Supervisors: Kutlay Ya ğ mur and Ad Backus, 3 September 2019. 85 Kitty Leuverink. Teacher research in secondary education: An empirical study into teacher research as a means for professional development and school development . Supervisors: Sjaak Kroon and Rian Aarts, 26 November 2019. 86 Veronique Verhagen. Illuminating variation: Individual differences in entrenchment of multi- word units . Supervisors: Ad Backus, Maria Mos and Joost Schilperoord. 10 January 2020.