Marieke van Rosmalen

Quantitative MRI characteristics of chronic inflammatory neuropathies 103 6 Figure 6.3. Correlation matrix of quantitative parameters with clinical data per study group FA MD AD RD T2 Fat fraction Age MRC Disease duration CIDP MMN MND Age MRC Disease duration Age MRC Disease duration HC Age Correlation matrix of the MRI metrics FA, MD, AD, RD, T2 and fat fraction ( y axis) with the clinical covariates age, MRC sum score and disease duration ( x axis), shown per study group. Abbreviations: CIDP = chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; MMN = multifocal motor neuropathy; MND = motor neuron disease; HC = healthy controls; FA = Fractional anisotropy; MD = mean diffusivity; AD = axial diffusivity; RD = radial diffusivity; MRC = Medical research council.