Marieke van Rosmalen

Publicatielijst 173 A PUBLICATIELIJST 1. Bhansing KJ, Van Rosmalen MHJ , Van Engelen BG, et al. Increased fascial thickness of the deltoid muscle in dermatomyositis and polymyositis: An ultrasound study. Muscle and Nerve 2015;52:534–539. 2. Lieba-Samal D, Van Eijk JJJ, Van Rosmalen MHJ , et al. Extremely painful multifocal acquired predominant axonal sensorimotor neuropathy of the upper limb. J. Ultrasound Med. 2018;37:1565–1574. 3. Van Alfen N, Doorduin J, Van Rosmalen MHJ , et al. Phrenic neuropathy and diaphragm dysfunction in neuralgic amyotrophy. Neurology 2018;91:e843–e849. 4. van Rosmalen MHJ, Lieba-Samal D, Pillen S, van Alfen N. Ultrasound of peripheral nerves in neuralgic amyotrophy. Muscle and Nerve 2019;59:55–59. 5. van Rosmalen MHJ , Goedee HS, Gijp A, et al. Low interrater reliability of brachial plexus MRI in chronic inflammatory neuropathies. Muscle Nerve 2020;61:779–783. 6. Herraets I, van Rosmalen MHJ , Bos J, et al. Clinical outcomes in multifocal motor neuropathy: A combined cross-sectional and follow-up study. Neurology 2020;95:e1979–e1987. 7. v an Rosmalen MHJ , Goedee HS, van der Gijp A, et al. Quantitative assessment of brachial plexus MRI for the diagnosis of chronic inflammatory neuropathies. J. Neurol. 2020;268:978– 988. 8. van Rosmalen MHJ , Goedee H, Derks R, et al. Quantitative MRI of the brachial plexus shows specific changes in nerve architecture in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, multifocal motor neuropathy and motor neuron disease. Eur. J. Neurol. 2021;28:2716–2726. 9. van RosmalenMHJ , Froeling M, Mandija S, et al. MRI of the intraspinal nerve roots in patients with chronic inflammatory neuropathies: abnormalities correlate with clinical phenotypes. J. Neurol. 2021;Accepted 10. van Rosmalen MHJ , Goedee HS, van Eijk RPA, et al. Quantitative MRI of the brachial plexus in CIDP and MMN: a longitudinal cohort study. 2021;Submitted