Marieke van Rosmalen

Clinical outcomes in MMN 39 2 SUPPLEMENTALMATERIAL Supplemental table 2.1 Specification of neurological examination and questionnaires Modality Description MRC score Bilateral measurement of motor function (sum score between 0 – 180 points): Abduction of the arm Flexion and extension of the wrist and fingers Spreading of the fingers Abduction, adduction, and opposition of the thumb Flexion of the hip Flexion and extension of the knee and foot Extension and flexion of the toes Vibration sense Bilateral assessment of sensory function using Rydell-Seiffer tuning fork: Normal (grade 0) Abnormal at hallux (grade 1) Abnormal at ankle (grade 2) Abnormal at knee (grade 3) Abnormal at acromioclavicular joint or anterior superior iliac spine (grade 4) Vigorimetry Bilateral measurement of grip strength in kilopascal (kPa) with the Martin Vigorimeter (Martin medizintechnik, Tuttlingen, Germany) Abbreviations: MRC = Medical Research Council