Marieke van Rosmalen

Chapter 1 General introduction and thesis outline 9
Chapter 2 Clinical outcomes in multifocal motor neuropathy: a combined crosssectional and follow-up study 25
Chapter 3 Low inter-rater reliability of brachial plexus MRI in chronic inflammatory neuropathies 43
Chapter 4 Quantitative assessment of brachial plexus MRI for the diagnosis of chronic inflammatory neuropathies 55
Chapter 5 MRI of the intraspinal nerve roots in patients with chronic inflammatory neuropathies: abnormalities correlate with clinical phenotypes 75
Chapter 6 Quantitative MRI of the brachial plexus shows specific changes in nerve architecture in CIDP, MMN and motor neuron disease 91
Chapter 7 Quantitative MRI of the brachial plexus in CIDP and MMN: a longitudinal cohort study 111
Chapter 8 General discussion 127
Nederlandse samenvatting 157
Review comité 165
Dankwoord 167
Publicatielijst 173
Curriculum Vitae 175