Given Hapunda

112 e) Indicate the relative priority which the project should give to each stakeholder in meeting their interests. The process of stakeholder analysis should also consider categorising stakeholders for easy monitoring and evaluation and this can be incorporated in a table. Stakeholders can be grouped into two main ways: 1. Primary Stakeholders – These benefit from or are adversely affected by an activity. This term describes people whose well-being may be dependent on a resource or service or area (e.g.: a forest) that the project addresses. 2. Secondary Stakeholders - includes all other people and institutions with an interest in the resources or area being considered. Secondary stakeholders are the means by which project objectives can be met, rather than an end in themselves, Blackman (2009:20-21). Table 1: Stakeholder Analysis Table Stakeholders Stakeholder Interests Impact on Interests Stakeholder Priority Primary Secondary The table above helps in the process of conducting a stakeholder analysis, where stakeholders are identified and clarified. The process is vital as it will not only provide a good foundation for engaging the relevant stakeholders (potential winners and losers) in a project but that the approaches and interventions to be taken will equally be clarified. Document Review Document review may be said to be a non-interactive method of data collection simply because it involves collecting and reviewing existing hard copy or electronic documents. The documents reviewed may be published or unpublished, internal to an organisation or external. The documents may contain qualitative or quantitative data. When conducting a document review for purposes of monitoring or evaluating a project, some of the specific documents of interest may include: official governmental or organisational reports, scholarly publications, legal, regulatory and policy documents, census reports, meeting minutes, financial records, newspaper articles or newsletters among others.