Given Hapunda
119 . Not possible to have a complete replica of an interview due to the flexibility nature of the method where some questions are unstructured. Questionnaires Questionnaires are very good in enhancing privacy and confidentiality of respondents as they can complete the instrument anonymously. Anonymity in completing questionnaires enables the researcher to collect data on sensitive topics. Respondents can complete the questionnaire at their convenience unlike interviews which demand the interviewer and participant to have a discussion together at the same time. Able to collect data from a very large sample size quickly. Have low response rate due to a number of reasons including illiteracy or busy respondents, large number of questions and anonymity resulting in no follow-ups. Unable to probe or follow-up on unclear responses or those that need explanations thus little detail is collected and increased chances of misinterpretation. Questionnaires are less participatory and limit non-verbal communication from respondents which is also a very good source of information.
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