Given Hapunda

135 makers may jeopardise credibility and remaining distant may undermine use. Part of the solution lies in a country/organization led monitoring and evaluation system. A country/organisation-led monitoring and evaluation systemmay enhance evidence-based policy- making by ensuring national or organisational monitoring and evaluation systems are owned and led by the concerned countries or organisation without international and national politics. According to Segone (2009), country (organisation)-led evaluations (C/OLE) are evaluations in which the country (organisation) which is directly concerned leads and owns the evaluation process by determining: what policy or programme will be evaluated; what evaluation questions will be asked; what methods will be used; what analytical approach will be undertaken; and, how the findings will be communicated and ultimately used. The C/OLE serves the information needs of the country/organisation and, therefore, C/OLE is an agent of change and instrumental in supporting national/ organisation development results. Another way to manage politics in evaluation is by building trust at each phase of the evaluation. According to Morra-Imas & Rist (2008), evaluators should ensure everyone understands the underlying logic and are able to identify political games played by people being evaluated and by stakeholders which can help engage them in a manner that brings integrity and honesty to the evaluation. Ethical Committees Each country and sometimes disciplines have their own ethical committees, which are also known as independent ethics committee or ethical review board (ERB) that one needs to be aware of. An ERB is a committee that has been formally designated to approve, monitor and review biomedical and SOCIL- behavioural research involving humans and animals with the aim of protecting the rights and welfare of the research subjects. In Zambia there are two public ERBs namely: the University of Zambia Biomedical Ethical Committee and the University of Zambia, Humanities and Social sciences Ethical Committee. There is also one private research ethics committee. The process of obtaining ethical approval is illustrated in Figure 1.