Given Hapunda

136 Yes No Graph 1: Steps to Obtaining Ethical Approval Conclusion This chapter described the importance of observing ethical issues in evaluation of development projects or programmes. Specifically, the chapter discussed how ethical issues arise sometimes because of funding conditionalities and conflict of interests that may arise from funders of development projects, programmes or policies. The chapter also discussed responsibilities and competences that evaluators must follow and adhere to in order to practice evaluation in an ethical manner. To be ethical and guard ethical standards, evaluators must possess certain competences and adhere to their responsibilities. This way ethical standards will be used according to the utility, accuracy and propriety standard. However, ERB gives feeback organisation reports to ERB Organisation undertaking evaluation submit initial evaluation proposal to donor or funding agency for approval Donor or funding agency submits application for peer-review and recommendations Adjusted evaluation proposal approved and funds released or approved ERB review evaluation proposal and supporting documents from submitting organisations ERB accepts the evaluation proposal Evaluation starts with strict ethical observation Revised or end