Given Hapunda

137 possessing certain competencies and adhering to evaluation responsibility is not necessarily, sufficient for ethical practice, a framework for making ethical decision must be developed and strictly followed while considering politics that may influence ethical decisions. Consulting ERBs and submitting evaluation studies for ethical approval is the most universally accepted practice for conducting ethically-accepted evaluation studies. References Brydon, L. (2006). Ethical practices in doing development research. In Desai V. & Potter, R. B (Eds), Doing Development Research . Los Angeles, Sage publishers. Hagens, C. (2008). M&E and ethics. Short Cuts , 9, 1- 10. House, E.R. & Howe K.R. (1999). Values in evaluation and social research . London: Sage Publication. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (2011). Project/Programme Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Guide . IFRC. Geneva. Lemmens, T., & Freedman, B. (2000). Ethics review for sale? Conflict of interest and commercial research review boards. The Milbank Quarterly , 78(4), 547-584. Leviton, L. C. (2011). Ethics in program evaluation. Handbook of Ethics in Quantitative Evaluation . New York: Routledge. Lundh, A., Sismondo, S., Lexchin, J., Busuioc, O. A., & Bero, L. (2015). Industry sponsorship and research outcome. Cochrane Database Systemic Review , 12. Lofman, P, Pelkonen, M., Pietila (2004). Ethical issues in participatory action research. Scand J Caring Sci , 18, 333-340. Mathison, S. (2005). Encyclopedia of evaluation . Thousand Oak, CA: Sage Morra-Imas, L.G, & Rist, R.C. (2009). The road to results: designing and conducting effective development evaluations . The World Bank: Washington, DC. Newman,D. & Brown R. (1996). Applied ethics for program evaluation . Thousand Oak, CA: Sage. Patton, M. Q. (2008). Utilization-focused evaluation . Sage publications. Pedroni, J., and K. Pimple. 2001. “ A Brief Introduction to Informed Consent in Research with Human Subjects .” Retreived from: Scriven, M. (2003). Evaluation in the new millennium: the transdisciplinary version. In S.I Donaldson & M. Scriven (Eds.) Evaluating social programs and problems (pp.19-41). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.