Given Hapunda

146 interest variable which highlights the arrow. Then click on the arrow and the variable is reflected on the right side. 7. When the interest variable(s) has been identified and placed, on Options command on the upper right-side corner. This will reveal the Options dialogue box which lists all the descriptive statistics available in the descriptives command. 8. In the Options dialogue descriptive statistics that are required for your analysis (i.e . mean, standard deviation ) 9. After selecting the required statistics, select continue to return to the descriptives dialogue box. 10. When all this is done, click on the OK button to execute the descriptive command. If the right steps are followed, a display of the output should look like the table on the next page. Table 1: Descriptive Statistics Summary Table Statistics Number of household members N Valid 140 Missing 0 Mean 3.3000 Std. Deviation 1.85325 Skewness .611 Std. Error of Skewness .205 Kurtosis -.544 Std. Error of Kurtosis .407 Range 6.00 In the output, look for information that summarises the large data into manageable units that can help interpret and understand the data without looking at all the data. In this case, the interest would be descriptive about household members including range of scores, mean, standard deviation and the normality of the data by observing the Skewness and Kurtosis scores. Steps to producing frequencies 1. From the main viewer window Analyse 2. Descriptive Statistics