Given Hapunda

149 Figure 3: Line Graph of Malaria Cases Steps to producing using the Explore Command in SPSS When applying descriptive statistics to obtain sample description or distributions, you perform this command which allows for the calculation of summary statistics in the data that are separated by the groups. 1. Go to Analyse on the viewer window 2. Descriptive statistics 3. Explore 4. Two boxes with commands will appear. The rationale for the contents of variables is the same. The left side has all the variables in the data set while the right side has interest variables for analysis. You will note that the dialogue box is different. In this case, the right hand-side has a dependent and factor list. 5. In the dialogue box that appears, select the grouping variable from the left hand box and move it to the Factor List. 6. Press the OK button to execute the Explore command. After the command is complete, a table is generated with descriptive information that may be of interest to the analysis. This table gives details of the counts and other descriptive statistics that may be of importance. 266 117 77 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 baseline midline endline Malaria cases