Given Hapunda

156 Scatter Plots in SPSS Basic scatter plots are most easily created through SPSS’s graphs function. The process for creating scatter plots in SPSS begins the same way. Step 1: From the main data view window, select “Legacy Dialogues.” A listing of graphs and charts available through this method will appear. Step 2: Select “Scatter/Dot.” With various kinds of graph options, select a two-variable option and click “Define.” Step 3: A new window entitled Simple Scatter plot will appear. Use this option to identify and insert the independent (X) and dependent (Y) variables from those listed on the left side of the window. Performing this action requires highlighting the name of each variable and click on the arrow next to the box labelled with the appropriate axis name. Thus, identifying the independent variable and moving its name from the box on the left to the box labelled “X Axis.” In the same manner, identify the dependent variable by moving its name from the box on the left to the box labelled “Y Axis.” Step 4: Click OK. Figure 4: Scatter Plot Output In the output, the scale for independent-variable scores lies along the X axis while that of the dependent-variables are along the Y axis. Each data point represents a particular independent and dependent variable score. The scatter plot in this example shows that the more the household number, the more the malaria cases were identified at baseline, suggesting a positively-sloped regression line. Regression line can be activated by selecting to add the reference equation line by double-clicking on the