Given Hapunda

157 generated scatter plot. The Chart Editor refers to the least-squares regression line as a fit line. It is encouraged to acquire any SPSS books for practice and reference. Performing Parametric Test of Correlation 1. Go to Analyse 2. Correlate/Bivariate. Bivariate entails the examination of a simple association between two variables. 3. In the dialog box, select any two variables from the left hand side where all the variables are to the right side where the variables that you want to analyse are to be located. In the same dialog box, select Pearson for Correlation Coefficients since the data are continuous and fulfil the other requirements for performing a parametric correlation. The default for Tests of Significance is Two-tailed. You could change it to One-tailed if you have a directional hypothesis. 4. Selecting Flag significant correlations means that the significant correlations will be noted in the output by asterisks. 5. This option enables to see the variables that are significantly corrected at first glance and easier to spot. 6. Options. After clicking Options you will see the kind of descriptive statistics that are built into other menus. Here, you will select what you want to be calculated for you. For example, you might want to select Means and standard deviations under Statistics. 7. After the selection, click on Continue and then on OK. Below is an example of the output. Table 4: Correlation’s Results Output Correlations Number of household members Malaria cases at baseline Number of household members Pearson Correlation 1 .834 ** Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 140 140 Malaria cases at baseline Pearson Correlation .834 ** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 140 140 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).