Given Hapunda

164 involves a regrouping of the data into the main coding scheme while “selective coding” identifies the central code, the one to which all other codes are related. Once a coding scheme is finalized, to the extent that any coding scheme is “final,” the researcher will try to assign instances to the existing coding scheme. Memoing Memoing is the process of writing memos to oneself when developing the coding scheme. These notes help to recall ideas for coding and developing concepts as the data analysis progresses. Several techniques help the researcher to progress with a grip in the analysis such as: a) Code notes which identify the code labels and their meanings. b) Theoretical notes which give the researcher ideas for concept and theory development during the coding process. c) Operational notes that deal primarily with methodological issues. These are ideas and reminders that focus on the data gathering or coding process itself. d) The elemental memo is a detailed account of relatively specific points of interest to the researcher. The final coding scheme and conceptual development of the study rely upon the compilation of these memos. e) Sorting memos are notes regarding the organisation and compilation of the elemental memos. These are ideas about how to move to axial codes. f) Integrating memos are ideas about how to organise the axial codes into a coherent account of the data. The process of memoing is iterative. The many memos and notes entail a trial and error process of developing the overall conceptual account of the data. If we coded, the evaluator can organise verbatims that answer his or her evaluation questions. For instance, the evaluation also tried to find out at baseline signs of malaria and how household manage malaria cases. This information can be presented as follows: Respondents in all the FGDs conducted, mentioned hot body (especially at night), headache, restlessness, loss of appetite, bitterness in the mouth, body weakness, body and joint pains, dizziness, tired feeling, cold, chills and a feeling that makes you fond of sitting in the sun as signs and symptoms associated with malaria while yellow eyes; dark or yellow urine, and yellow vomiting were associated with severity of malaria: