Given Hapunda

165 Your whole body will become hot, your mouth becomes bitter and you don't have the appetite for anything" (FGD Atta Akura, female 35-49). "You will feel cold, weak, with bitterness in the mouth and when you urinate; the urine is very yellowish in colour" (FGD, mothers less than 30 years). What happens is, you have to use some local herbs and see but when it becomes severe then you go to the hospital." ( FGD mothers less than 30 years ) " Most often, we usually manage the sickness at home a little. We are able to manage it by giving for instance paracetamol syrup. If we see that after some days the situation is not improving then we take the child to the hospital" (IDI mother above 30 years) Concept mapping In qualitative data analysis, the researcher spends a lot of time in committing thoughts to paper, in organising ideas into a coherent conceptual approach to the data. This process is iterative and uses trial and error system. Placing concepts in a graphical format, called concept (thematic) mapping , can help the researcher organise thoughts. The example below is a concept map of factors influencing awareness of malaria control and management. Figure 5: Thematic Map on Awareness of Malaria METHODS IN QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS 1. Grounded Theory Method Using this method entails cross-case analyses that inductively create/adopt concepts and build theories. A key feature of this method is the use of the constant comparative method. This Comparative method involves; a) Comparing incidents across cases. b) Developing/adopting concepts. Awareness Protective Stakeholder capacity Poor information flow Consequences Outreach Key Red = cause Black =barrier Brown = relationship Blue= contradiction/tension Blue dotted = facilitator