Given Hapunda

167 researcher that with this method, participants have a tendency of avoiding to reveal negatives about self. Researchers need to consider the following; a) Context-situation; b) Core plot in the story told about self; c) Basic actions -narrative analysis could involve study of literature or diaries or folklore. 6. Discourse Analysis This method focuses on the interaction among participants. The researcher here is interested in finding patterns of questions, the person dominating the discussion in time and topical issues under discussion. Other patterns of interactions are determined among the several people that that are discussing (Gee, 1990). 7. Content Analysis This method focuses on looking at documents, text, or speech to see what themes emerge. The essential question here is; what do people talk about the most? This method focuses on how themes relate to each other. Through the content, latent emphasis is found within the text. Standard rules of content analysis include: a) How big a chunk of data is analysed at a time (a line, a sentence, a phrase, a paragraph) must be stated and stay with it. b) What are units of meaning? The categories used must be inclusive (all examples fit a category) and mutually exclusive that is, defined precisely and observing the properties in which all data fits some category (exhaustive). c) Note the context- It is advisable that when you are using this method for analysis, you have to start by reading all way through and then specify rules. d) After determining categories, do the counting, determining the number of times and how often categories occur. Conclusion In sum, data analysis is an integral part of every project. The data collected from the field come in different shapes and sizes, following different methods and orientations. These data require relevant ways of making sense of the seeming mess that is collected from the field to ensure that appropriate interpretation and conclusions concerning a matter are adequately addressed. In M&E, two methods of