Given Hapunda

176 implementation of the project. If your project was a pilot, information from M&E will provide information on what worked and what did not work, thus determining how well the study can be replicated or scaled up. M&E results can also be used in the production of project documents. Various project documents should include relevant information from reviews and evaluations conducted in the project. For example, financial and progress reports could be included. These should highlight lessons learned from evaluation findings and how the lessons have informed the project. Contribution at Regional and National Level M&E data and evaluations should go beyond benefiting the project or organisation. Contributions should be made to the targeted community and society at large. Key findings, conclusions and recommendations should be shared and made available to other partners, stakeholders and anyone who may benefit from that information. Distribution of evaluation reports to a wider audience can certainly increase the impact of the project. As the needs of different audiences differ, information from the evaluation report will need to be packed differently to cater for the audiences. It is therefore important to identify your potential audience; who they are, what they do, and how they can benefit from the evaluation report. There are many different ways in which your organisation can share evaluation reports. Focus Box 2: How to share Evaluation Reports 1. Upload on organisation’s website. 2. Organise dissemination meeting with stakeholders. 3. Include evaluation results in publications, reports, newsletters and bulletins. 4. Present results at annual stakeholders’ meeting. 5. Brochures and handouts of successes. 6. Brief/summary of results. 7. Peer-reviewed article. 8. Presentation at a conference. 9. Dissemination workshops. 10. Success stories.