Given Hapunda

177 In order to effectively share information from evaluation reports, knowledge products should be of high quality, with an identified purpose and audience. Some of the characteristics of good knowledge product are listed below in Focus Box 3. A more detailed explanation will be given in the following section. Source: UNDP, ‘Ensuring Quality Control and Policy Coherence: BDP Quality Assurance and Clearance Process’, Bureau for Development Policy, May 2007. Available at: The above section attempted to highlight the importance of M&E information and results and how they can be used by the organisation to enhance internal processes and projects as well as make a contribution to the larger community. The latter aspect is very important. The success or failure of a dissemination process, especially to external stakeholders is largely dependent on howwell the information is communicated. The following section will focus on communication of results and the different forms and channels of communication. What is Communication? Before we define what communication is, let us first establish what communication is not. To begin with, communication is not standing in front of an audience and sharing your findings. Neither is it merely sharing your report via email or hardcopies. While these methods will ensure that you have sent the information to your audience, it does not guarantee that your audience has read, understood and appreciated your work. Effective communication of results considers some of the following aspects: formats and channels of communication, length of presentation or document, language used, writing style and the audience. Communication ensures that the message has been received, understood and is useful Focus Box 3: Characteristics of good knowledge product 1. Based on assessment of needs and demand for the product among targeted users to ensure relevance, effectiveness, usefulness and value for the product. 2. Designed for a specific audience, taking into consideration functional needs and technical levels. 3. Relevant to decision-making needs. 4. Timely. 5. Written in clear and easily understandable language. 6. Data is presented in clear manner. 7. Based on the evaluation information without any bias 7. When appropriate, it is developed through a participatory process and validated through a quality assurance process with relevant stake holders. 9. Easily accessible to the target audience through most effective and efficient means. 10. Consistency in presentation of products to enhance visibility and learning.