Given Hapunda

179 3. Present your message clearly: Ensure that the information presented is easy to read and understand. Be direct in your presentation. Say what you want to say in a simple and precise manner. A range of 17 – 35 words per sentence words should be used (Jones, 2011). You refer to the audience as “you” and “we” and “I” when referring to yourself or your organisation. Use short sentences and avoid jargon, especially if you are writing for a non-expert audience. Use one sentence to present one idea, especially when using power point presentation. If you are presenting the information in a paragraph, ensure that one idea is represented in one paragraph. How to Communicate Research Findings to your Targeted Audience There are many different formats and channels that can be used to communicate research findings that cater for different audiences. Some of these include: 1. Policy briefs: These are tailored for policy makers in government. They provide precise overview of the policy problem the research was focused on, information about the findings and recommendations or implications from the study. The document highlights the significance of the findings for the policy makers. The number of pages for this document can average 2-4 pages (1000-2000 words). The Table 1 below shows the general structure of a policy brief. Table 1: General Structure of the Policy Brief Section Proportion Content Introduction 15%  Problem and its significance  Summary of findings and policy implications  Research methodology  Create anticipation for rest of content Discussion 40%  Description of context and problem  Discussion of research findings and solid evidence for recommendations Recommendations/implications 40%  Should not be more than three  Implications of what could happen  Recommendations of what should happen