Given Hapunda

182 Table 2: Presents the Sections of a Document that would contain a Story of Change Section Proportion Content Introduction 20%  Description of major message from the story in no more than four sentences.  Describe the situation/policy issue when the story began such as people involved, the date, situation, location etc. Action 25%  Description of research and other activities undertaken that helped deal with the challenge e.g. meetings, workshops, rallies Result 20%  Highlight successes and failures of activity conducted both in short and long term.  Provide description of impact on beneficiaries Conclusion 30%  What were lessons learned from the activity?  What were factors that led to the success and failure of activity? Further information 5%  References used in the research and other relevant resources. Adopted from : Jones, (2011) Theatre and drama: Theatre and drama can also be used as a form of communication. This form of communication is very relevant when communicating to an audience that is unlikely to read any information you want to disseminate. In most instances drama is conducted at the community level. It can be used to communicate behaviour change related to issues affecting that community. It is a very powerful form of communication as the audiences are likely to identify and connect with the scenario presented in the drama or play. There are many other forms of communication that can be used to communicate research results apart from the ones listed above such as websites, fairs or exhibitions, etc. What is important is that you identify the objective of the communication and the most appropriate format and channel of communication that will meet your organisation’s objective. For some Focus Box 5: Characteristics of Good Communication 1. Communication is a two way process. As you communicate the results… listen to your audience!! 2. Know your audience 3. Know what the audience needs to know, know what will draw their attention 4. Consider the context in which the work is being done 5. Be clear, precise and keep it short!