Given Hapunda

185 amounts should be included. This will include amounts on planned expenditure, actual expenditure and deficit or surplus. Schedule status This can also be reported in either general or specific terms. General terms will include “ahead of schedule”, “on schedule” or “behind schedule”. To be specific include, specific details about planned hours, days or weeks, actual hours, days, or weeks spent on a project so far and deficit or surplus. Projected completion date This is the date for when the project is expected to be completed. This is usually included in the project plan. If the date changes during the course of the project, the plan will have to be updated. Project description Two or three sentence descriptions of the project. This is meant to serve as a reminder to the sponsors about the project. This statement can be maintained for all the progress reports. Personnel Personnel information will include information on individuals and the positions on the project. Information on personnel can include team members, their names, functions and time commitments to the project. Information on released members and the function they served during the reporting period. Individuals to be released during the next reporting period, their names and functions can also be included. Milestones Milestones are high level goals that define the different phases of a project. These must be stated at the very beginning of a project in the project plan. Milestones that have been reached at the point of reporting should be indicated. Accomplishments These are tasks that were accomplished during the reporting period. These are low level milestones. They are smaller tasks that are required to accomplish high level milestones. Projected goals These are goals that are expected to be completed in the next reporting period. Changes These refer to any changes that occurred during the period being reported. These include tasks, milestones, budget and resources.