Given Hapunda

188 out by the project, key outputs delivered and overall costs should be stated. The policy and development context of the evaluated project, assumptions about external factors that were considered during the planning of the project should be included. Information about previous evaluations conducted on the project should also be included. This section may be quite long. It is important to use sub-headings and break the text into shorter paragraphs to make it easier to read. Evaluation methods What methods were used to evaluate the project, for example, FGDs, questionnaires, interviews, observations? Strengths and weaknesses of the chosen methods should be stated. Who took part in the evaluation e.g., number and characteristics of participants and how they were sampled? How was the data analysed? The use of varied methods and data sources adds to the validity of the evaluation. Results/findings This section presents the results of the evaluation which should be presented according to the objectives. It usually includes both qualitative and quantitative data. Tables, charts and graphs should be used to present quantitative data while qualitative data can be presented as themes. Quotes can be used to present key themes, while bearing in mind the confidentiality of the informants. In this section, it is also important to include evaluative conclusions. These are concluding assessments of the project based on the findings. They provide answers and evaluative conclusions to the questions in terms of references, based on the available data. These evaluative conclusions may include information on whether the project was relevant, effective or efficient; whether it reached the intended target and had the intended effect or whether or not it was sustainable. Evaluative conclusions are best presented together with the underlying findings on which they are based. They should not be presented separately. Discussion This is more of a reflection of the lessons learned from the evaluation. It also includes recommendations based on the findings. Recommendations focus on what was useful in the project and should be maintained or expanded. It also provides information on where changes need to be made in terms of policy or