Given Hapunda

189 practice. Recommendations could be directed to various stakeholders and the project itself. Each recommendation should be linked to the findings. Conclusion This section is used to reinforce the major message which you want the audience to take home, based on the evaluation. Summarise what the evaluation found. Make sure that it is clear and precise. Acknowledgements This is where you thank people who have been involved in the evaluation as well as funders and other relevant audiences. This information can be included either at the beginning or the end of your report. References List any references that you used during the evaluation and in the preparation of the report. This should be done in a way that allows others to follow up on them without difficulties. Often used is the Harvard or APA style of reference. Appendices This will include copies of your data collection tools and other information that would interrupt the flow of the main project. The above table indicates the main sections of an evaluation report. However, depending on the funding agency additional sections may be included. How to Prepare a Communication Strategy The subsequent section will focus on key components of a communication strategy. A communication strategy is important, as it is intended to help you and your organisation to communicate effectively and meet core organisational objectives. 1. Purpose of Communication Strategy When preparing your communication strategy, it is important for you to understand why it is important for your organization and what you hope to achieve with it. This is important as it acts as a reminder for those who will be using the strategy. For example, this communication strategy shows how effective communication can:  Help us effectively engage with stakeholders;  Help people understand what we do;  Help us achieve organisational objectives.