Given Hapunda

190 2. Introduction Section This section will include information about your organisation, what it does, its main objectives, where it is found and who your work targets. It should also indicate the organisation’s success over the past years and its current situation. This can be done by using a PESTEL analysis, which involves stating the political, economic, social and technological factors that could contribute both positively and negatively to your organisation and how each factor will likely affect you. You could read more about this at In your introduction, you could also list your strengths and weaknesses as an organisation. This can be done by using the analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). In terms of your communications strategy, how can you turn the threats into opportunities? How can you use your strengths to enhance your communication as an organisation? To read more on SWOT analysis, you can go to 3. Organizational Objectives and Communication Objectives An important part of the communications strategy is the organisation’s overall plan. What is your organisation’s vision, core aims and objectives? These should be clearly spelt out and known by everyone in the organization. The communication strategy should indicate how communication can help achieve these goals. Key messages that will be delivered should therefore be connected to the goals and objectives. Each of the organisation’s strategic objectives (from its business plan) can be broken down to show how operations and communication can contribute to delivering the objectives. Below is an example of one of CAPOLSA’s objectives: Objective 1: To help increase literacy levels of first grade learners through the use of GraphoGame. Operational/policy objectives : To work by conducting research using GraphoGame and inform key stakeholders such as MOGE on the findings of the research with GraphoGame. Communication objectives : To provide a regular flow of information about on-going research with GraphoGame to key stakeholders as well as to provide information on the findings of the research through dissemination workshops. An important point to remember is that your communication strategy should cater for the entire duration of the organization’s overall plans, for example, if your project has a 5-year plan, the communication strategy should work within that timeframe. All this planning should be done with available budgets and resources in mind.