Given Hapunda

196 i. Ask yourselves, what is the desired outcome, what do we want to achieve from the dissemination? ii. Who are we targeting? Which audiences do we want to disseminate the information to? iii. What kinds of messages do we want to give to the different audiences? iv. Why do we want to deliver these messages to these particular audiences? v. What is the most effective way of disseminating information to the different target audiences? vi. What is the best timing to disseminate these messages and why is this particular timing right? vii. What resources will we need to deliver these messages to the different audiences? References Jones, H. (2001). A guide to monitoring and evaluation policy influence. Retrieved from Knowhow Nonprofit. (2018).PEST analysis: Retrieved from: Imas, L. G and Rist, R. C. (2009). The Road to Results: Designing and conducting effective development evaluations. The World Bank: Washington DC. OECD (2001), ‘Evaluation Feedback for Effective Learning and Accountability’ , DAC Working Party on Evaluation. Scheunpflug, A & McDonnell, I. (2008). Building Public Awareness of Development: Communicators, Educators and Evaluators. OECD: France. UNDP (2006). Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluation for Development results. UNDP: New York. UNDP (2007). ‘Ensuring Quality Control and Policy Coherence: BDP Quality Assurance and Clearance Process’, Bureau for Development Policy. Retrieved from UNICEF (2004). Evaluation report standards. Evaluation office: New York. Zimmerman, R. (2007). Communication and Development: Practices, Policies and Priorities in OECD Countries – Results from the DevCom Donor Communication Profiles Survey : OECD Development Centre .