Given Hapunda

210 Data collection Data collection was conducted between 2010 and 2011 during the week (Monday-Friday). The baseline study was collected in 2010 and for follow-up in 2011. Data collection was conducted by the team from Centre of Sustainable Livelihood. The research team consisted of the principal researcher, trained fieldworkers, qualified medical technologist and nursing sisters. During the intervention (10 months) period, the JAM team monitored the implementation of the feeding programme. Caregivers/parents completed the self-administered socio-demographic questionnaire. Fieldworkers assisted those who could not clearly understand the questions, read and write. A survey was conducted to determine the nutritional status of the children. This included:  Socio-demographic questionnaires to determine socio-background;  Anthropometric measurements (weight, height and mid-upper arm measurements [MUAC]) and;  Biochemical measurements, which included Vitamin A and haemoglobin. Data collection was treated in the same way for both the experimental and the control groups. Similar variables were used for baseline and follow-up data collection, with the exclusion of the socio-demographic. Below are the pictures of pre-schools and the participants (Figure 7). Figure 7 Pre-schools and participants. Measurements The range of measurements was used for this study. These were as follows:  Validated socio-demographic questionnaire (Oldewage-Theron & Slabbert 2008),  Anthropometric measurements - Height - using a non-elastic tape measure - Weight - using Seca electronic scale