Given Hapunda

23 Table 2: A Comparison of Traditional M&E and Results-Based M&E Traditional M&E Results -Based M&E (RBM&E) Inputs → activities → outputs  Focuses on accountability and to determine continuity of funding. Inputs → activities → outputs→ outcomes → impact  Is a combination of traditional with assessment of outcomes and impacts.  It allows an organization to modify and make adjustments to theory and change the implementation processes.  lt is a management tool that measures how well the organisation is performing and emphasises assessing how outcomes are being achieved over time.  Reports the status of results enabling a reactive action.  Reports results that produce adjustments that enable pro-active action.  It empowers both experts and local people to initiate, control and take corrective action to substantially improve performance and achieve results.  Focuses on external experts to plan and conduct the M&E.  It often involves highly technical and specialised methods, which may: not be fully conducive for implementation on the ground, due to lack of knowledge or understanding of M&E among non-specialist implementers.  Not participatory or inclusive enough and implementers are not seen as integral part of the process.  It is participatory and inclusive of external experts community members, implementers, facilitators and any other relevant actors in the organisation.  Usually has predetermined indicators of success, principally cost and production outputs.  People define their own indicators of success to ensure ownership and guide development initiatives as well as resolving key bottlenecks to implementation in order to improve the chances of achieving the desired results  Evaluation focuses on scientific objectivity, distancing of evaluators from other participants; uniform complex procedures;  Self-evaluation; simple methods adapted to local context; open immediate sharing of results through local involvement in evaluation process.