Given Hapunda

235 deliver impact. Though there are many benefits that can be derived from learning, unfortunately, most projects do not promote benefits in learning. Benefits of learning include but not limited to: 1. Leads to maximisation of impact; 2. improved performance based on learning from the past ( The more and more lessons are accumulated, so practices become better and better) ; 3. Problems being solved before they worsen. Capturing lessons learned should involve a systematic approach because waiting until the end of the project would mean wasting many potential learning opportunities. A lesson learnt- event can involve long discussions and brainstorming, therefore it must be prepared well. In order to make this process systematic and enable the event extract lessons learnt, answer six key questions with stakeholders; 1. What do we mean by a “lesson learned” 2. Why do we want to identify lessons? 3. For whom are these lessons and, accordingly, how are they best shared (written, verbal, video etc.)? 4. Whose lessons are they? And who should be involved in identifying the lessons? 5. What are the lessons? And how do we prioritize them if there are too many to share? 6. How do we document the lessons and how do we link the lessons into the next phase of planning? (IFAD, 2002). Answering these questions is the starting point for formulating a lesson learnt. To formulate a lesson learnt follow the following 1. Include a generalised principle that can be applied in other situations. Do not write the lesson only as an observation, description or a recommendation that lacks justification. 2. Explain the lesson in the context of the project. For other stakeholders to find it useful, they need to understand the context in which it occurred too. Then related the lesson to assumptions on which the project based, to help others appreciate the lesson. 3. Then justify the lesson with proof of why it is a valid lesson. If the lesson is hypothetical, it must be tested before it can be considered valid. 4. Make sure the lesson is specific to the theme under discussion. General lessons learned are not useful (IFAD, 2002; White & Cohan, 2016).