Given Hapunda

238 Table 1: Contents of a Best Practice Report Part of report Content Title of the best practice This should be concise and reflect the practice being documented. Introduction This should provide the context and justification for the practice, and address the following issues:  What is the problem being addressed?  Which population is being affected?  How is the problem impacting on the population?  What were the objectives being achieved? Implementation of the practice  What are the main activities carried out?  When and where were the activities carried out?  Who were the key implementers and collaborators?  What were the resource implications? Results of the practice (outputs and outcomes)  What were the concrete results achieved in terms of outputs and outcomes?  Was an assessment of the practice carried out? If yes, what were the results? Lessons learnt  What worked really well – what facilitated this?  What did not work – why did it not work? Conclusion  How have the results benefited the population?  Why may that intervention be considered a “Best Practice”?  Recommendations for those intending to adopt the documented “Best Practice” or how it can help people working on the same issue(s). Source: (WHO, 2008): Critical Reflection, Learning and Project Strategy Project strategy is a plan on what is to be achieved and how it will be achieved. Information based on critical reflection and learning is a basic ingredient for project strategy readjustment. It should be appreciated that project design is an ongoing process over the life of the project, and the project strategy is the basis for working out project operations. However, project strategy is not cast in stone but it is flexible, depending on the existing conditions and thus can be adjusted on the basis of evidence learnt from reflective practice. Project strategy is readjusted on the basis of learning or knowledge generated from monitoring and evaluation. Thus knowledge derived from reflective practice, monitoring and evaluation informs or feeds systematically into project strategy or design readjustment such as re-planning the project, rescheduling or redefining activities and reallocation of funds etc. Project strategy readjustment helps to ensure that: