Given Hapunda

254 Table 1: Parts of the advocacy message Component Sections Sentence example Primary Statement Girls are by far more likely to drop out of school, as a result, they are more likely to suffer from poverty, diseases and infringement of human rights. Secondary Evidence Data shows that 36% of girls compared to 19% boys drop out of school between the ages of 14-18. Example Consequently, more girls are out of employment, affected by HIV and suffer from human rights violations. Goal Our goal is to see increases in the number of women completing school and participating in decision-making. Desired action To achieve this, government must mainstream enrolment and retention of girls, increase scholarship and positions of women in decision-making position. Ensure that the message demonstrate both the problem and an evidence based solution. In addition ensure your message is:  Credible, clear, compelling, concise, consistent and convincing;  Simple and persuasive, incorporating a direct call to action;  Rational, moral and appealing to hearts and minds;  Repetitive and reinforced;  Consistent in visual style. The deliverer of the message is as important as the message itself. The same message can have different impact, depending on who communicates it. Therefore, choose credible people with knowledge, influence and sometimes expertise. Those who speak from personal experience such as Malala Yousafzai, Prudence Mabele, a South African iconic AIDS activist who died in 2017, and Winston Zulu a renowned Zambia HIV and AIDS activist who was the first to openly disclose his HIV status and died in October 2011. Celebrities have influence, therefore, they are good messengers. In Zambia, celebrities such as Lulu Haangala-Wood is a UNAIDS goodwill ambassador, advocating on the need to attain the UNAIDS 90-90-90 ambitious target aimed at fast tracking the end of HIV by the year 2030. Step 6: Developing Methods for Advocacy - At the centre of deciding which method to use is the question, “ how can we make sure they hear it ?” Do your research to find out the preferred medium of communication for your targeted audience. The choice of the format to deliver the message depends on who you are speaking to, what you want to say, your purpose and your ability to work with that format. Generally, there are three methods to deliver advocacy messages: