Given Hapunda

255 1. Lobbying - involves gaining access to influence decision-makers through direct or private communication. Setting meetings is often the biggest challenge for this method. However, the influence of the messenger may make it easier, hence the need to choose your messenger carefully. Lobbying through meetings with decision-makers and influencers is the most effective and cost-effective method. Make sure to leave a good impression after the meeting and documentation, such as policy briefs to amplify your campaign request. 2. Negotiation - this involves bargaining to forge an agreement on the desired action to solve a problem. This is the hardest method because it involves advancing the position on the issue and debating with the decision-maker to agree with your position. This method requires you first to develop negotiation and persuasion skills alongside the knowledge and evidence on the problem and evidence-based solution you are proposing. 3. Media campaign – involves speaking publicly with the aim of mobilising the public to join forces with you to attain your goal using mass media. Because media reach a large number of people it offers a powerful tool to inform and build support around an issue. Most popular mass media include press releases, events, news conferences, letters to the editor, TV, radio, newsletters, briefs, indabas etc. Nowadays the quickest and cost-effective method is using social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. In the last two years, social media through public mobilisation has changed or influenced issues affecting our society. Some influential Twitter hashtags that have influenced change are summarized in the table below. Table 2: Influential hashtags Hashtag Aim of campaign/advocacy Number of times used #Ferguson Call for US government to act on indiscriminate attack and shooting of black Americans 27,200,000 #LoveWins Legalise and recognise gay marriages 12,800,000 #BlackLivesMatter Stop violence and attacks on black people in the US 12,000,000 #IndyRef Referendum to vote Scotland independent from the United Kingdom 8,500,000 #BringBackOurGirls Call for release of abducted Chibok school girls by Boko Haram and call for Nigerian government and international community to act on terrorism 6,100,000 #YesAllWomen Call for women to share their experiences with rape, abuse, sexism and judgment 3,700,0000 Source : The Washington Post (March, 2016)