Given Hapunda

258 impact. The development of the advocacy plan should be premised around two questions: What is the most effective way to move the strategy forward? What will bring the right people together, symbolise the larger work ahead and lay the ground work for reaching the advocacy goal? (Schultz, n.d). When developing the plan, consider all elements described above. A good advocacy plan responds to newly-identified needs for political support and awareness- raising in the community (WHO, 2008). Consider developing a theory of change, showing a logical sequence of how change will be achieved and its underlying assumptions. The plan must show the relationship between many strategies and tactics you intend to implement, and the results you hope to achieve (“if- then” relationship). Once the advocacy strategic direction is clear, plan how to implement it. Consider the following:  Gather the community to define the current national or regional target problem advocacy needs;  Identify, categorise and map the affiliations and influence of the stakeholder community;  Decide on and document the current goals and objectives (e.g. engage the education professional and learner community in order to raise awareness of the educational issues and the need for a comprehensive education plan among key political decision-makers within a specified period of time);  Assess and document the advocacy methods used (e.g. the media used, the network of contacts, communication vehicles, government relations);  Assess the quantity and quality of services (e.g. education, information dissemination and new legislation);  Assess and document the available collective resources (e.g. financial resources, human resources [staff, professional, volunteer), social capital (trust, understanding, communications)];  Consult and cultivate a network of champions who lead by example and demonstrate the values and goals;  Engage members and stakeholders by building common ground through shared visioning, planning, actions and learning;  Enable and mobilise the stakeholder network to act collectively with a unified voice and vision;  Measure the impact of action to date, modify the advocacy methods as necessary; and  Expand the network through community outreach and public engagement, leveraging the collaborative momentum created.