Given Hapunda

259 Step 9: Put in Place a Monitoring and Evaluation System - The progress and impact of the advocacy must be evaluated. Therefore an advocacy M&E system must be developed. Chapters 4 and 14 of this handbook give detailed descriptions of impact-oriented monitoring and evaluation systems. The system should be able to generate lessons learnt, therefore, it is important to be able to make corrections and discard elements of the strategy that are not working (UNICEF, 2010). Nine questions can be used to collect, organise and summarise information to aid the development of the advocacy plan. Using this sheet, UNICEF (2010) calls the advocacy strategy planning sheet that can ease the development process. Table 3: Advocacy Strategy Planning Sheet Impact: what we want to happen… Advocacy goal: long-term goal you want to contribute towards e.g., reduction of MNCH Objectives: SMART changes you desire to see Who can make it happen? Target audiences... What do they need to hear? Primary messages and secondary messages for each target audience ... Who do they need to hear it from? Messengers for each target audience (individuals and institutions)... How can we get them to hear it? Approaches & opportunities (lobbying, campaigning, media, partners, etc.)... What do we have/ need to develop? Capacity assessment and how to address gaps... How can we begin? Advocacy action plan (activities that link to interim outcomes and advocacy goals, and who is responsible for doing them)... How do we tell if it is working? M&E plan (users of M&E data, how will they use M&E data, data collection tools, and responsibilities, indicators, targets, assumptions)... Source: UNICEF, 2010 After planning the advocacy strategy using the sheet above, you can then begin to develop your advocacy strategy plan. The plan contains the following sections indicated in Table 4 below: