Given Hapunda

263 and disclaimers if views expressed in the policy brief do not reflect those of the publishing organisation and funders. Conclusion We have seen that in the recent years, interest in knowledge translation, especially from basic research has increased due to its recognition that it is critical to relevant knowledge development, dissemination, and uptake of research results. While most organisations in international and community- based organisations do not often carry basic research, they often current evaluation research. Information from evaluation research often end at demonstrating to donors that impact was made or not. Policy-makers remain ignorant about the efficacy of their interventions. Therefore, this chapter discussed the gap between evaluation findings, advocacy and policy. It argued the needs to begin to use evaluation data which is often available in international development organisations to develop advocacy plans and policy briefs. The chapter described the process of developing advocacy plans and how to implement the advocacy plan. In addition, the chapter described the development of policy briefs. Reference Food and Agriculture Organization. Writing effective reports: preparing policy briefs. Retrieved from: Fudge,N., Sadler,E., Fisher,H.R., Maher,J., Wolfe, C.D.A., and McKevitt,C. ( 2016). Optimizing translational research opportunities: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of basic and clinician scientists’ perspectives of factors which enable or hinder translational research. Plus One . Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160475 International Fund for Agricultural Development. (2002). Managing for impact in rural development: A guide for project M&E . IFAD, Rome Italy. Jonsson, U. (2003). Human rights approach to development programming . United Nations Publications. Mirvis, D.M. (2009).From research to public policy: An essential extension of the translation research agenda. CTS Journal , 2(5), 379-381. Doi: 10.111/j.1752-8062.2009.00144x. Oelke, N.D., Lima, M.A.S., and Acosta A.M. (2015). Knowledge translation: translating research into policy and practice. Rev Gaucha Enferm , 36(3), 113-117 Schultz, J (n.d). Strategy development: key questions for developing an advocacy strategy. Retrieved from