Given Hapunda

267 and then less tempted to take shortcuts or bend the established rules during development processes and service delivery. 3. Improved decision-making process: The process of decision making is transparent, evidenced- based by good information and data, by citizen views, and by open and honest public debates that generally reflect the broad consensus of various stakeholders’ competing interests. This however, does not mean that everyone will think that the decision is the right one and agree with the outcomes. Nonetheless, citizens are more likely to respect and accept the outcomes if the process was good i.e. consensus-oriented, participatory, inclusive, responsive, transparency etc. even if they do not agree with the decision and outcomes. This in turn improves citizens’ faith in decision- making processes, therefore, leading to better decision-making processes at community and national levels. 4. Effective and efficient institutions: Governing institutions are not only effective and efficient but also capable of delivering reliable and quality services to the citizens whenever they are needed, and within the limited public resources available. This enables public administration to collect, allocate and manage public goods for the benefit of all. 5. Accountable institutions: Governing institutions are a ccountable for the consequences of their development decisions they take on behalf of the general public. This in turn creates the environment where the people entrusted to preside over public affairs consider what is right and wrong in discharging their duties to the public. In other words, established institutions have the obligation to report, explain, and be answerable for the consequences of the development processes and decisions they make on behalf of citizens. On the other hand, it helps both central and local governments to remember that they are acting on behalf of their citizens and assist them understand the importance of open and ethical processes, and stand up to public scrutiny. 6. Sustainable participatory development: Sustainable participatory development is crucial as it wins public ownership of community and national development interventions. However, citizens are more likely to own and sustain any developmental intervention, at community or national levels if they are involved from identification, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. This also helps citizens feel as partakers in their community and national development and decision-making processes rather than mere recipients of the outcomes. This means that citizens, especially the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, have the opportunity to participate in their community and national development and decision-making processes.