Given Hapunda

268 7. Transparency development processes: Transparency development processes enable citizens at all levels; community and national levels, follow the decision-making process on any given development interventions. This means that citizens are able to clearly see how and why a decision was taken; what information, advice and consultation the central or local government considered; and, what relevant policies/strategies and procedures were followed. If development processes are open and able to be followed by the public, the more likely that both central and local governments will follow established relevant legal requirements. 8. Equitable and inclusive development processes : Equitable and inclusive development processes help all stakeholders feel that they have a stake in the development and decision-making processes, and do not feel excluded from the mainstream of development and decision-making processes, both at community and national levels. In short, all stakeholders feel their interests have been considered by the development and decision making processes either at community or national levels. 9. Responsive development processes: The development and decision making processes respond to the real felt needs of the citizens, and attempts to serve all stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe. In other words, both central and local governments try to serve the needs of all stakeholders while balancing the competing interests in a timely, appropriate and responsive manner. 10. Consensus oriented development processes: The development and decision-making processes attempt to reach broad consensus among various stakeholders, both at community and national levels. This makes all stakeholders feel that both central and local governments take into account most competing and diverse views in their development and decision-making processes. Therefore, the development and decision-making processes ensure mediation of different stakeholders’ interests to reach broad consensus on the best interests of all stakeholders and how to measure and achieve development intervention goals and objectives. Mediation of these different stakeholders’ interests help to achieve a maximum agreement and common understanding on the development interventions. The above outlined the importance of governance in development and collectively are referred to as characteristics of good governance and are summarised in the Figure 1 below.