Given Hapunda

269 Figure 1: Characteristics of Good Governance (Source: Sheng, 2009). In the 21 st cnetury the words “good governance” has become popular in both national and interntational development discourse, consequently flooding the development litrature. “Bad governance is being increasingly regarded as one of the root causes of all evil in socieities,” (Sheng, 2009). Good governance comprises all eight characteristics of good governance (ibid). Therefore, good governance is not all about the outputs/outcomes of the development and decision making processes, but how well the process reflects and adheres to characteristics of good governance. The outline above clearly signifies the importance of governance in development and underscores the centrality of good governance in the development and decision making processes both at community and national levels. Therefore, the importance of good governance in development is directly linked to sustainable economic growth and human development which are both desirable development objectives. The Role of M&E in Governance Now that we have a fair understanding and appreciation of the importance of governance and good governance in development, let us now turn to the role of M&E in governance. The role of M&E in governance includes but not limited to the following: 1. Informs citizens, central and local governments: M&E informs citizens, central and local governments on whether they are doing things right and whether they are achieving results intended, thereby creating transparency and accountability in the development and decision- making processes, both at community and national levels. Focus Box: The Interface between M&E, and Good Governance Good governance requires that citizens monitor power-holders and that power-holders evaluate whether their systems and practices produce the intended positive impact on citizens’ lives. Anne Sophie Ranjbar - Associate Director of Accountability Lab.