Given Hapunda

272 training personnel in M&E, acquiring appropriate technology for M&E and allocating adequate financial resources. It must be noted here that capacity building is an ongoing expertise as the field and practice of M&E is dynamic. Sustainable investment in M&E capacity building is crucial to the success and sustainability of M&E systems in government ministries. (e) Promoting culture of M&E : To ensure that M&E has prominence within the government ministries, there is need to cultivate the culture of M&E from the top leadership, ministers and permanent secretaries, directors and support staff. The above suggested actions if taken together can spur M&E in government ministries. However, for this to happen, political will, and sustainable resources are needed to actualise M&E in public service. Examples of Countries applying M&E to improve Governance The link between M&E and governance has not been fully explored hence few countries are applyingM&E to improve governance. However, few countries have made strides in these areas to enhance their governance performance. The World Bank has listed some, such as “Brazil, Latin America, Caribbean, Colombia, India, South Africa, Canada, Chile, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Spain, Sri Lanka, and United States” (World Bank, 2010). The countries listed above have made notable efforts in using M&E in governance matters, consequently promoting the culture of transparency and accountability in the public service. Conclusion The main aim of this chapter was to highlight the link between governance, and M&E in the public sector management and administration. The idea of governance and M&E do play a role in development discourse at all levels as discussed in this chapter. This is a potential area for strengthening cooperation between government and citizens through good governance-linked public service delivery. Despite this potential, efforts to create understanding and appreciation of the interface between governance and M&E at community, local and central government still remains scant, utilised and under resourced. Focus Box 4: M&E and Governance in South Africa M&E in South Africa has been used to promote democratic and good governance deliverables, such as transparency, accountability and learning, and to influence public administration practice.